Free Wood Chips Form

Contact Information

Expect a call

We will try to call you before delivering and may not deliver if you don't answer.

Please enter a number you have ready access to throughout the day and be prepared for a call from a number you don't recognize.

Wood Chip Loads

Our trucks only dump full truckloads of woodchips. This is around 21 cubic ft of wood chips. Please only request wood chip deliveries if you have room for all of the wood chips.

* Please choose a delivery window for your wood chip order

Delivery Time Window

Wood chip deliveries occur when we doing business in your area and you are the nearest or easiest candidate. The deliveries are therefor NOT done on a first-come-first-serve basis - a longer time window makes delivery more likely.

Delivery Information

Your instructions for dumping chips should be accompanied by the placement of an orange circle painted on the ground or other method of clearly marking the location. Written instructions without an on-site marker are easily misinterpreted.

Please also bear in mind that wood chip trucks are 8 feet wide, 11 feet tall, and weight about 13 tons. If you request wood chip delivery in an area where they cannot be placed, the driver will place them somewhere on the property (as noted in the terms and conditions).

Where to leave chips

Your instructions for dumping chips should be accompanied by the placement of an orange circle painted on the ground or other method of clearly marking the location. Written instructions without an on-site marker are easily misinterpreted.

Wood chip delivery is subject to the following terms and conditions:

Your instructions for dumping chips should be accompanied by the placement of an orange circle painted on the ground or other method of clearly marking the location. Written instructions without an on-site marker are easily misinterpreted.

  • I am the property owner or representative agent of the delivery address listed.
  • I will hold the tree service company delivering wood chips harmless for any damage (including, but not limited to, driveway cracks, underground utility damage, and turf damage) resulting from the use of their vehicles and equipment in delivering the wood chips.
  • I understand that the tree service company can deliver no less than a full truckload of wood chips, that the quantity of wood chips per truckload is variable, and there may be more or fewer wood chips than I need for my project. I will not complain about the amount of wood chips delivered unless more than the specified number of truckloads of wood chips are delivered.
  • I understand that efforts will be taken to keep the wood chip load will be free of logs and other trash but that the quality of wood chips is variable.
  • I understand that chips are delivered as convenient for the particular tree service company making the delivery, not on a first-come-first-served basis. I understand that delivery is not guaranteed.
  • I will accept delivery of the chips on any reasonable part of my property if my preferred dump location is unreachable.
  • I understand that poisonous plants (including, but not limited to, poison oak and poison ivy) are occasionally included in the wood chip load and agree to hold the company delivering the chips harmless for any discomfort, illness or malady resulting from the presence of any poisonous plants in the wood chips.
  • I expect a call before the chips are delivered but I authorize delivery of the chips within the specified time period, even if I don't answer the phone.
  • The designated dump area MUST be flat, and have no overhead utilities.

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